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2023-06-06 18:05



易与天地准故能弥纶天地之道_周易天地网准吗_周易铜钱算卦 准







易与天地准故能弥纶天地之道_周易天地网准吗_周易铜钱算卦 准





周易铜钱算卦 准_易与天地准故能弥纶天地之道_周易天地网准吗



But with so many them with tiger like gazes? At , Tian Lie nor Mene had any that they could pick up the and that the flame stay lit in face of the enemy .

An flame meant death!

Who would dare act first to pick up the ?

Once up a , that would the focus of the enemy , of who that might be. This… … the level of here was too high.

Tian Lie took a deep and at Mene, who was on the other side.

Mene’s face was ugly to .

“Let us talk.” Tian Lie . “You want to kill me. I too, want to kill you. , this is not a place for a match. After we enter, we will have the to duke it out. If we fight here and ’s flame gets , that would have died a death.”

“What do you want to do?” Mene .

“It is very . Both of us will take turns to send to take a and enter the magic array. After , all of us can duke it out based on our real . Dying to is how work. But dying your flame got would be truly sad. So? At any rate, off like this being able to enter would be .”

Mene was a very . He only for three , “Fine!”

After a pause, he at Tian Lie and said, “I will be the last to enter. You too!”

“It is a deal.” Tian Lie .

“So, who will be the first to take the ?” Mene at Tian Lie. “I will let your side go first.”

Tian Lie . “If so, I won’t be shy. Who wants to go first?”

, when he back to look at the of his own , he saw them back . The four-man team were while the solo his head. eager. Yet, for some , she chose to .

the same : the other party had given their word, what if, when they to take the , the other party … … even they could say that the other party had on the , the one to die would be them, the one who took the .

“I’ll do it.” and .

Tian Lie at her and his head. “All right, you go first.”

After that, Tian Lie ’s . “After going in, to hide your . You don’t want Chen to find out, do you?”

There was a frown on ’s face as she at Tian Lie. “Your tone… … it seems you have no of going in?”

“Mene and I will be the last two… … after you have all gone in, we would be the only ones left. By then, of us will be going for the .”

was quick to . She at Tian Lie and said, “Be .”

After that, . the eyes of the of both , she moved until she was in the of the .

there were winds , the cover the , them to burn . After about it, took off her and it over her hand. As she was about to reach for one of the , she and her face sank.

“The ! One of them is !”

Her both sides to .

Both Tian Lie and Mene took a few steps . A of 10 them as they …

the cover was a of . The were in a on a metal . , one of the holes on the metal …

Was empty!

One of the was .

“ went in ahead of us?”


GOR 475: Chasm

GOR 475 Chasm

[ : Magic array timer: 16 41 .]

Chen at the time and his head to look at the in the .

The had into .

The the magic array , the the grew more .

The had been a plain one in the . , it had , now a . The walls were with black . Grand the of the walls, and its .

Every one of the life like as a layer of black mists above. The mists faded in and out and on the .

Two of men moved a .

The two of men each other when they one a chasm.

A rode a to the wall as it was flat land.

Spear shot out like a bolt and fell down the chasm.

In the end, there was a rope chasm and a round tray of …

Chen .

In the of the now was a . At , the had grown very as thick of black mists the . The ’s was no .

faint were the of the . On the floor was a and its lines shone a .

Each of the team from Rock Guild were on one end of the and they .

Chen ’s feet was .

was on the floor, not a sound. It was only after Chen a foot on his back, force down on him did he let out a groan.

“Stop .” Chen a face. “I you have all you to say.”

his eyes and his hands moved in an to get up. , Chen him down and he was to . “You…”

“Of , I knew that you were to be .” Chen his voice and . “If not, how could I your mouth to send some to your ?”

His leg to lying on the . Even his mouth a for .

Even so, an from Chen ’s face as he , “Do you find it to talk? No need for you to try so hard. You have what you to .”

spat out . , he was down and was to spit .

, Chen his feet, to spit out. Just as he was about to say , he heard Chen , “Your is here.”

The black mists on the of the a bit and a from it.

Short, lean, but .

“We have been for you, man!” Chen his as he at the , his hand the Sword in the Stone’s hilt . The tip of the sword drew a line the floor, .

The short into the and his . His gaze fell upon the in the that was in black mists. After the for a while, he to look at Chen .

He Chen and the black in the . Chen did not move; he did not do to the short man.

Even the team from Rock Guild did not do to stop him.

The short man until he was the black . He as he the black mists about. Then, he out with his hand to grab the .

His hand thin air.

It was as the and the black mists were an .

his brows, he to face Chen , who was at him.

“It seems you are ,” the short man spoke in a tone.

Chen . “In order to , due is of a .”

The short man faced Chen and sized him up , “What kind of are we about then?”

“It is very .” Chen at the that was in black mists. , that was the Demon King. He said , “This is a magic array and the Demon King is about to wake up. , as the first from the Demon to , we are given some . These are… … the Demon King can make some to the magic array.”



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